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※Out-of-Period Plans【Minamifurano】Sekishokogen backcountry

料金:16,500円〜(Single person・税込)
開始時刻:石勝高原BC Sekishokougen BC
エリア:北海道 > 富良野・美瑛・トマム
  • 人気
  • ガイド同行
  • 自然
  • オススメ
  • 南富良野
  • nanpu
  • 南富良野雪山

This course, pioneered by 100% Yukinoko Guides, uses snowmobiles to access the flat sections so you can meet other users. It is possible to ski on a private slope without much trouble.

Hokkaido's backcountry scene is now attracting attention around the wo ...

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