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【Portom International service】Chitose 1-Day Tour: A & B Courses

開催場所:北海道 > 石狩・空知・千歳
開始時間:A course ※希望時間(desired time) /B course 9:00〜 /B course 10:00〜 /B course 11:00〜 /B course 12:00〜 /B course 13:00〜 /B course 14:00〜 /B course 15:00〜 /B course 16:00〜 /B course 17:00〜




A:aquarium admission course Portom International Hokkaido Departure (Every hour, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)

Chitose Salmon Park (Every hour, 9:25 AM - 5:25 PM) Chitose Salmon Aquarium

Chitose Station South Exit (Drop-off only. Every hour, 9:45 AM - 5:35 PM)

Porto International Hokkaido Arrival (Every hour, around 10:15 AM - 6:15 PM)
B:North Snowland in Chitose course Portom International Hokkaido Departure (Every hour, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)

Chitose Salmon Park (Every hour, 9:25 AM - 5:25 PM) Chitose Salmon Aquarium

Chitose Station South Exit (Every hour, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM)

North Snowland in Chitose (Every hour, 10:15 AM - 5:45 PM)

Porto International Hokkaido Arrival (Every hour, around 10:30 AM - 6:00 PM)


最少催行数 1名
開催期間 〜2025/2/28
集合時間 Please gather in the lobby 10 minutes before your desired departure time.
Departure times: Every hour from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
集合場所 Portom International

aquarium admission fee.

North Snowland in Chitose fee.
予約締切 0日前の17時まで
料金に含まれているもの A Course: Includes aquarium admission fee.
B Course: Includes North Snowland in Chitose admission fee.
持参するもの Please bring your reservation confirmation email from OPTBOOKMARK.JP.
催行会社 東邦交通スペースワンディビジョン


お支払いについて Prepayment by credit card
キャンセルに関して Cancellation Policy:

Cancellation 7 to 2 days prior to departure: 30% of the total travel cost
Cancellation 1 day prior to departure: 40% of the total travel cost
Cancellation on the day of departure (before 7:00 AM): 50% of the total travel cost
No-show or cancellation after the tour has begun: 100% of the total travel cost






名称 ご利用料金
A Course: Adult 4,500
A Course: High school student 4,200
A Course: Elementary and junior 4,000
B Course: Adult (Junior high sch 4,500
B Course: junior high school stu 4,200

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