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【Sapporo】Exploring temples covered in snow around Susukino

開催場所:北海道 > 札幌




11:00 Toyokawa Inari Shrine
● Orientation
● Listen to a talk directly from the head priest
•Explanation of the shrine by the head priest
•Goshuin (temple stamp) in the Goshuin book
11:20 Susukino Market
11:30 Shinzenkoji Temple
•Receive the second Goshuin (temple seal).
•The sound of the wooden fish (Mokugyo).
•Let’s take a close look at the statue of Amida Nyorai (Amitabha Buddha).
12:00 Sushi Tanahana
● Savor the seafood delights of Hokkaido
•Sushi lunch
14:00 Shinei-ji Temple
● Participate in a Goma Ritual Experience
•Goma Ritual Experience (approximately 40 minutes)
•Pilgrimage to 88 Sacred Sites

15:00 End of the event


最少催行数 2名
予約可能数 2名 ~
開催期間 2/16(Sun)
集合時間 ■Toyokawa Inari Temple
Please arrive 5 minutes before the start time.
集合場所 Toyokawa Inari Temple
(Minami7,Nishi4, 1-1, Chuoku, Sapporo)
予約締切 2日前の15時まで
参加条件/注意事項 Caution:
*Please wear warm to protect yourself from cold weather in Sapporo.
*Course may change due to the weather conditions
*This tour is a trial tour that we design as Sapporo Concierge. We would like to ask for your cooperation to give us feedbacks after the tour.
*Please give us the information about your food restriction when you send us the reservation.
*We do not offer halal food or vegetarian options in this tour.

■ Organizer: Sapporo City Economic and Tourism Bureau, Tourism & MICE Promotion Department
■ Tour Planning (Contracted Company): KITABA Co., Ltd.
■ Execution: Link of Mind Co., Ltd. (Head Office Sales Division)
Osaka Prefecture Governor Registered Travel Agency No. 2-2625 / Full Member of the All Nippon Travel Agents Association (ANTA)
Address: 5F, Kita Osaka Nakazaki Building No. 2, 3-3-43 Nakazaki Nishi, Kita-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, 530-0015, Japan
Domestic Travel Service Manager: Ryosuke Ogushi
• A Domestic Travel Service Manager is responsible for overseeing customer travel transactions.
If you have any questions regarding the explanation provided by the person in charge of this travel contract, please do not hesitate to contact the Domestic Travel Service Manager listed above via email.
• This product is a planned travel package offered by Link of Mind Co., Ltd., so please be sure to review the Travel Terms and Conditions before applying.

■ Before applying, please check our Travel Terms and Conditions. (Click here.)
料金に含まれているもの Guide fee, insurance fee, and lunch fee.
持参するもの Confirmation email screen

*Please wear warm to protect yourself from cold weather in Sapporo.
*Course may change due to the weather conditions
*This tour is a trial tour that we design as Sapporo Concierge. We would like to ask for your cooperation to give us feedbacks after the tour.
催行会社 企画:株式会社KITABA 販売:リンクオブマインド㈱


お支払いについて Prepayment by credit card
キャンセルに関して Please note that a 100% cancellation fee will apply for cancellations made after 8:00 AM.






名称 ご利用料金
One person(Special Rate) 2,980

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